Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Nikola Tesla

If you've ever wondered about that Nikola Tesla guy or just needed to write a history paper on an inventor, our pals over at decided to educate everyone about the guy with their own down to earth flair

Here's a little sample of what you'll find over there (If you've never been to I suggest you take a look, they summarize the world into much simpler terms)

Bored + Interwebs = Stumbling

Well today I've decided that my interwebs just aren't big enough. Time to waste more time than I should by giving myself more to waste time on.
That's where StumbleUpon comes in :D

Maybe I should have waited till I had something interesting to share...

Oh well

Click on this

The moment you realize...-Socialphy

You get so used to an actor playing a certain type of role eh?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Least I could do

Recently I was introduced to the webcomic "Least I Could Do"

 As with most series the artworks improves over the years. Plenty to read from before you catch up to the current strip but I wont spoil too much of it for you, go check it out.

A little too big for me to show properly here but you get the idea

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fable III Gnome Quotes

Yes recently I've been playing a bit of Fable III and like Fable II there are more insulting statues to hunt and shoot down (after listening to their charming insults directed at you of course) only this time in the form of Gnomes instead of Gargoyles...I wont ruin the surprise for anyone who hasn't already learned the background of these little bastards

Because these delightful little buggers are just...soo...charming....I decided to sit through the entire loop
several times
In order to bring you (drumroll) The Gnome Quote list!  perhaps it deserves a better name...but this probably brings in more hits on google but oh well...

Here's the general rules/way of avoiding negative criticism
  • Quotes are in order from first one I wrote down to last one I wrote down
  • Quotes are in written form while the Gnomes insults are in audio form...use your own bloody grammar and punctuation. English classes only teach you to write essays...not English
  • The majority of the phrases are said normal voice for the first part and shouting for the second part. Use imagination accordingly because I don't feel like spamming the caps button
  • They change depending on gender and moral standing within the game, mine are from an evil male
  • Don't be a twit! .....that rule might help you later in life ;)

Now on to the goods! 

Mostly Accurate

I feel like celebrating today, because todays the day you die!

I was hoping you'd come round, I need a good laugh!

I sensed your presense before you even arrived...What did you eat!

My favorite things are music and sunshine and love! And pain

You now what I like most about people? They die

Seeing you brings back memories...of wanting my eyes gouged out!

I'm not like those mean Gnomes. Im a million times worse

Blue is a nice color for you. You should put on a nice blue DRESS!

Winter is my favorite season. I love the snow. Thats also when most people die.

Haha! You're funny! But looks aren't everything!

Its a great day to be alive! And a better day to kill.

I like to think about puppies! About slowly slowly crushing them.

I cant decide whether I like your looks or your personality better. Its like comparing mud to sewage!

Here doggy doggy! Come over here and die.

Those are nice shoes..but dont you think your gran's feet are cold without them?

Thats a nice weapon you got there. What are you, compensating for something?

You're the scariest thing Ive seen since...since that chipmunk that ran by ten minutes ago.

Sometimes I just want someone to talk to...and sometimes I just want someone to kick in the crotch!

I can help you find what you're looking for, step one: Pull your head out of your ass!

I think your weapon might be bent, oh no wait! THATS YOU!

You seem like a nice person. I kill nice people you know!

Oh I didn't see you there...hows it like being so insignificant?

Hey doggy play dead! And nevermind the playing part!

Sure is a beautiful day...except where you're standing!

Id like to come over to your house for tea. And then Ill have your mum!

You're the embodiment of pure evil. Ask me if I give a toss!

Excuse me, do you have the time? To get stuffed!

Id like to get to know someone like you...and drown them.

We could be best friends...if I like people with an ass for a face!

Ive said it before and Ill say it again...I hate you.

That skin, not a lot of people could pull that off...Id like to pull it off! Come Here!

Oh look! He's wagging his tail...maybe hes thinking about eating crap!

I bet the ladies like can share makeup tips and trade shoes!

I knew someone more evil than Gran! And all of her friends!

It must be nice to be able to lick your own privates...but doesn't that embarras your dog?

Ohh! Look at the doggy! Looks delicious!

You look, ah, familiar..oh I remember, you look like this girlie I used to shag!!

Are you lost? Can I help you starve and die?

You stink you mongrel! Either you rolled in something..or your dog did!

You remind me of an old friend. He was a twit...Just like YOU!

You are one evil hero, whats a matter? Too lazy to be good?

If I had a friend like you, I could tell them that Im going to set you on fire.

If it were up to me nobody would get sick. They'd just die, starting with you!

Dogs are noble, loyal and faithful...right tasty too!

The eyes are a window to the yours must be red and freaky

The world needs a big strong man to put things right. You know any milady?

Quotes that are only partially accurate...enough to get the idea

~Thats a nice doggy...if you like scrawny little ugly runts!

~Aww I love doggies. I love to throw them into a river in a sack!

~You really got your mothers looks -growl-

~I can tell you where there's a nice big chest of gold can use them to buy new handbags!

~Id like to help you on your quest to save the world. Here let me hold your [Noun Missing]

Friday, January 7, 2011

Learning...Achievement style

One thing Ive always found to be hard for me is studying. Never study for tests and I still suck at all attempts to learn a language. But something Ive found to really help me learn stuff (in this case Japanese hiragana) is this website called

Here is their promotional video of the science behind their system yay science!

You can make an account to keep track of your progress learning things, has little progress bars and records how much you studied etc.

Did I mention its FREE?

Yes something that works, looks good AND is free. Amazing how often you don't see that combo these days...bloody bastards
Try it out. If you find it not to your liking or that you didn't learn a thing Im sure they'll give you a full refund...of nothing since its free...maybe a pat on the back to make you feel better about being hopelessly dumb but Im not here to judge...openly...

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Legend of Slender Man

Greetings minions!

Today I thought Id talk about the legend of Slender Man...or because I suck at explaining things Ill just show you this video that I thought was rather well done.


 In other news Happy New Years!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I finally got all my songs by Poxy Boggards to work again
(Windows Media Player was being stupid, now I use Winamp)

So Im pretty happy, finally got my Old English Drinking songs working again
pretty much impossible to find them anywhere on the internet

Facebook "Groups"

Today I decided to finally test out The facebook's new feature of groupies groups...
Turns out its actually really well done and useful
I can post crap to just a certain group, upload various links videos etc without spamming my whole friendlist and my favorite feature is group chat. You dont have to use posts just to have a group conversation and if people drop out due to The Facebook's notorious lack of chat stability

Though considering the benefits of group chat, why the hell did just now get this option? I imagine group chats on a large scale would be harder to do considering the already failing chat system, but some attempt at group chat is long overdue

Long story short I am now spamming my group with pictures like this

Sunday, October 24, 2010


If you haven't heard of Minecraft, you sadden me

Haul your ass over to before I smite you wherever you are

The Dalokohs Creators

Since I tend to play Team Fortress 2 a lot so why not advertise for my favorite TF2 server (sorry console players you're stuck with whatever comes up)
My favorite TF2 server:
The Dalokohs Creators

Looking For Group: Slaughter Your World

So I thought I'd start out this blog the right posting a video featuring one of the best fictional characters in existance, also the reason for the display picture I have.

This is subject to change, so is your life so get used to it

So long story short kiddos I'm not the blogging type. I just figured I might as well do something with my time while I wait for a download to finish and maybe...just maybe I might come back to this within the next week.

You're still reading?

Anyway this post is a declaration of what shenanigans might appear on this blog...for intelligent thought you might want to head over to the nearest brick wall and bash your head in a few times, maybe the people around you will start sounding smarter.

I "intend" to come back on to this blogger thing and post random things that may be either funny, informative or somewhat interesting. Either way this beats any crap website like twitter...what the hell is that useful for anyway?